No wine and rolls

Being injured sucks! Trying not to complain because I just have a sever case of plantar fasciitis – going on four months- but it’s frustrating! Exercise is my outlet. I still try and do upper body weight, knee push-ups, abs, and ride my bike but not being able to run, jump, dance is making me crazy. I am getting rolls on my tummy and my thighs are getting huge. I’ve lost control of my eating. I am health conscious and even when I drank, I always ate very very clean. Last couple of weeks, I just don’t care. It’s starting to bother me. I need to put a reign on it. Is over eating worse than over drinking? I guess I’ll take a few extra pounds over the self loathing over drinking.

i know my moderation button is broken when it comes to drinking. I don’t think my moderation button for eating is broken. It’s just out of whack. Chronic pain can really fuck with your mental abilities. 

It’s a new day!!!!! I need to be kind to myself, stay off my foot so it can heal, exercise upper body and FEEL PRETTY DAMN PROUD THAT TOMORROW WILL BE 8 MONTHS SOBER! Holy shit!!! High fives Melanie sue! Just have a small piece of cake and a small bowl of ice cream! I am blessed! The tummy rolls are ok!!!!

5 thoughts on “No wine and rolls

  1. lordy lord! eight months sober is brilliant! not being able to exercise is super tough, though.

    as Belle says, “have SOME cake. not ALL the cake.” 🙂 but I reckon we have a get out of jail free card on the eating thang which lasts as long as we need it to. sober first! xx

  2. Woot woot! Congrats on 8 months. That just awesome!
    Sorry about your foot. I can so relate. I hare pain and I had nit being mobile and not having the trusty alcohol to cover up all my ailments, well it can suck! But, take it easy, yes, be good to yourself and you will heal quicker! And have same cake!


  3. Very nice on the many months! Sucks about the foot. I had a minor foot surgery last week that’s going to keep me out of the gym for at least a few weeks but it’s driving me CRAZY. Oh, and I’m Day 3.

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