
I am alive and well. Busy finishing up the school year. It was strange not celebrating with bottles of wine the start of summer vacation. Instead I had a “me” shopping day: 3 sun dresses, a massage, flowers and a yummy frappacino!

something is weighing heavy on my mind this morning, so I’m going to write about it ( like morning pages).

my oldest brother has been sober for. 4 years. He actually inspired me to quit. Anyway, he found out he had lymphoma of the skin last summer. They treated it with radiation. They just found another spot and they also did a cat scan and found a lesion on his liver that needs to be biopsied. Of course he made a joke about it saying its a bunch of whiskey sitting there. I’m scared for him and I could sense his fear under his humor. He is 55 years old. I love him. I guess the only thing I can do is dig deeper into my faith and pray. Ask God for strength for him and his family. I’m going  to michigan next week to visit my daughter. He lives 30 minutes away so I’m glad I will see him.

im glad I am taking care of my liver now and hope I didn’t do too much damage. If any one reads this and believes in God, please say a prayer for my big brother. Stay sober!

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